
In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Digital Rights of 5 December 2018, by accepting the present, with the delivery of your data, you authorise us to process them in order to provide you with additional information about our activity and to contact you offering you our products and services, events related to cybersecurity or for the selection process of candidates to fill job positions in Aiuken. Your data will be processed exclusively for these purposes and will continue to be processed as long as you do not withdraw your consent or there is a contractual or legal basis that enables us to do so. In any case, they will be deleted one year after the first contact, unless legal relationships have arisen which entitle such processing. The data will not be transferred to third parties, except as indicated in the privacy policy, or Aiuken is legally required to do so.

Security measures: Aiuken Solutions SL has adopted the security measures required according to the level of the data provided, installing the necessary technical and organisational measures taking into account the state of technology, in order to prevent their loss, alteration, improper use or unauthorised access to them.

Derechos: Tiene derecho a retirar su consentimiento y ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición , limitación , supresión y portabilidad. To exercise your rights, please contact: Aiuken cibersecurity Francisco tomas y Valiente nº 2 Boadilla del Monte 28660 Madrid or send an e-mail to: You can also consult our Terms and Conditions or our Data Protection Policy on this page.


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