
Complete Security Management

Expert identification of the security maturity level in the companies.

Cyber Position Revealing

Description: Do you know how your company’s security posture is? Do you know if the security initiatives implemented are effective? Does your company have the most critical and business-relevant assets adequately protected? We at Aiuken have the necessary services to identify what to do and how to do it so that both you and the companies you collaborate with are calm.

Result: Detailed report of the results of the findings obtained, with a clear description of vulnerabilities, configuration failures, identified initiatives and recommendations to justify investment or to demonstrate the level of compliance.

Benefits: Detailed understanding of the security posture, actions to be taken, problematic elements, new projects and initiatives.

Description: With the increasingly frequent hybridization of companies’ infrastructure, attack vectors are increasing exponentially, as is the number and variability of devices, forming an attack surface to which special attention must be paid and to identify the possible vulnerabilities and entry routes of these in order to have the visibility and knowledge necessary to know how to protect them properly. If we don’t know what and how we have it, how can we protect it?

Result: Clear and continuous identification of the sum of vulnerabilities and entry methods that cybercriminals can use to gain access to the company’s network and be able to obtain confidential data. Automatic device inventory (CMDB).

Benefits: Updated inventory of devices, detection of vulnerabilities of the most critical assets, information on the use of devices, possible entry routes of malicious actors and business impact.

Description: Companies’ infrastructure are becoming more complex and constantly changing over time. In these cases, a specific vulnerability identification exercise only provides us with information in a timely manner of a temporary moment, increasingly it is desired in a clear way a service that this information is in real time and continuously to avoid that “photo in time” and be able to have a much more effective view of the vulnerabilities of companies.

Result: Real-time identification of vulnerabilities in the company’s most critical assets to act as quickly as possible to avoid disruption due to information leaks or to avoid unknown methods of exploitation.

Benefits: Early detection of exploitable vulnerabilities minimizing the time to mitigate them and therefore suffer some type of business impact.

Description: When there is a safety problem, it is equally important to mitigate the possible impact and identify the root cause of it so that corrective actions can be initiated to prevent it from happening again.

Result: Report the results of the analysis and the possible actions to be taken, both to see if the problem is recoverable, AS if it is not, and know what to do to prevent it from happening again. Also use the evidence taken in a possible judicial process (safeguarding chain of custody).

Benefits: Detailed knowledge of the problems in the organization and their cause, recovery whenever possible from an infected device, provision of evidence in court proceedings.

Description: Application development is becoming more common, and especially development using the power of containers and Cloud. That does not mean that it is properly developed from the point of view of safety. Mechanisms need to be in place to identify potential security problems and gaps before such applications are deployed, which, apart from posing a higher risk, are much more expensive to address.

Result: Analysis in SaaS mode of the applications and libraries they use and generation of a report of results with the problems to be corrected through clear evidence and remediation recommendations.

Benefits: Safe development and applications by design, correction of vulnerable elements.


Description: Uncertainty is the difference between the information required to make a decision and the information available. The Cyber Intelligence Service of Aiuken focuses on analyzing all available sources (social networks, Deep web, hacktivist forums, etc.) to minimize that uncertainty and enable companies to make decisions that minimize a potential problem both security and operational.

Result: Depending on the service contracted, simple notes of findings and service reports will be kept with the motivation, objectives, scope, conclusions, actions to be taken, remediation, technical analysis, etc.

Benefits: Constant knowledge of what happens to the company’s assets, greater control, less time to detect, respond to and resolve a security problem, reduced losses from fraud, optimized ROI.

Description: Companies’ security strategies can be broken down simply by incorrect action on the part of the company’s own users. At any time, targeted phishing, ransomware, password sharing, or any other threat that can reach an untrained user who is not aware of the risks involved can cause a security and reputation problem that is difficult to quantify.

Result: Training campaigns, with real simulations of attacks and recurrent training talks so that employees have the knowledge and tools to face these types of threats.

Benefits: Improved cybersecurity mindset (security and policy perception), improved risk management (guidance, feedback, improvements), improved engagement (people’s attitude and behavior towards security), reduced business impact (the balance between security and business efficiency).